How to stop your printer jamming when you start printing

How to stop your printer jamming when you start printing

Believe it or not, a common reason for ID card printers jamming near the input hopper or early in the print job is that the printer may be working too well.
The rollers within the printer that guide the card through the printing process are sticky by necessity – on occasion, the roller may be too sticky that can lead to the roller not passing the card onto the next part of the process, causing a jam.

The Fix
Remove your rollers from the printer and make them less sticky by rolling them on a clean surface with the aim of making them slightly less sticky, allowing the rollers to pass the cards on in the printing process.
Also, check the blue sticky roller is in position correctly, and the middle (print) roller is clean and matte rather than shiny – this roller should be spotless to avoid causing further jams.

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